Definition marokkanische Küche
Moroccan cuisine is considered since the foot of the most versatile in the kitchen Alm.owalsbb Morocco due to interaction with the outside world since Karon.almtbouk Moroccan cuisine is a mix of Arab and Berber, Moorish, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and Africa. Chefs in Moroccan cuisine over the centuries in each of Fez, Meknes, Marrakech, Rabat and Tetouan are creating the basis for what Moroccan cuisine is known today, and that the Moroccan kitchen is the first Arab and Africa, and the second in the world after France
Morocco as the source and meeting place for many cultures, has been influenced by his kitchen kitchen Amazigh authentic addition to the Arab-Andalusian cuisine; kitchens that carry Almaurickjon when they left Spain and cuisine of the Turkish Ottoman and Middle Eastern cuisines brought by the Arabs
It translates the history of Morocco in his kitchen. Refugees fleeing the Abbasids left Baghdad in the Middle Ages and settled in Morocco, bringing with them the traditional recipes that have become commonplace in Morocco forgotten in the Middle Aloost.o prove this below it Baghdadi in his writings (12th century AD) from the Iraqi recipes and similarities with contemporary Moroccan dishes. The hallmark is cooking meat with fruits such as quince with pregnancy or apricots with chicken meat. As well as the effects on the Moroccan kitchen that came with Maurickjon (Muslim refugees) who were expelled from Spain during the Spanish Inquisition
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